On Request

This product is currently not in stock, but can be ordered upon request.

We will be happy to handle the request directly with the manufacturer. Please contact us for more information.

  • Time & Attendance control
  • EM/MF card and PIN
  • 30.000 cards | 80.000 records
  • 2" TFT | TCP/IP, RS485 and USB
  • Soft. Attendance: ZKBioTime8
  • Description
  • Specifications
  • Contents
  • Downloads
  • ZKTeco
  • Stand-alone presence control with relay
  • Identification by EM and MF cards, passwords and/or combinations
  • Keypad and display 2" TFT LCD color display
  • Capacity 30.000 passwords/cards and 80.000 records
  • TCP / IP, RS485 and USB communication
  • Integrated controller (door sensor, push button, buzzer, auxiliary input and relay)
  • Control of schedules, shifts and cycles
  • Compatible with ZKBioTime 8 software for presence and access management
Hardware CPULinux OS
CapacityUp to 30.000 passwords/cards
Records80.000 registers
Identification modesPIN, RFID card and/or combinations
Proximity cardEM 125 kHz, MF 13.56 MHz Classic, MF DESFire EV1, MF DESFire EV2, MF Ultralight, MF Ultralight C, MF Plus X, MF Plus S and NTAG213
Screen2" TFT color LCD
CommunicationTCP/IP, RS485 & USB
FunctionsAutomatic status change, Programmable buzzer
OutputsWiegand OUT, Relay, Alarm, Buzzer, Auxiliary for connections
InputsWiegand IN, Door sensor, Push to exit
SoftwareTime and Attendance Software: ZKBioTime 8.0
PowerDC 12 V
Degree of protectionValid for interior
Temp. operation0º C ~ +45º C
Dimensions95.5 (W) x 143 (H) x 39.5 (D) mm
Weight600 g
  • Presence device ZKTeco
  • Mounting material
  • User instructions
